Predict next market moves with AI

Transforming public data into market signals for institutional investors
Our products
A unique social media analytics platform designed for the needs of traders, investors, fund managers, and analysts.
Track and quantify the impact of social media on global financial assets.
Discover the influencers driving prevailing market sentiment. Your essential tool for market analysis, trading strategies, and business intelligence.
Gauge prevailing sentiment towards bank runs. The analysis of risks stemming from bank runs, deposit withdrawals, and panic-driven events, powered by social media influence.
Partnering with ZENPULSAR enables optimized marketing ROI in various markets and extends successful strategies ensuring a robust market presence and sustainable growth.
Established in the UK in 2021, ZENPULSAR has quickly solidified its position as a leading player in the AI data industry. The driving force behind our creation was the GameStop short squeeze controversy, highlighting the essential requirement for real-time monitoring and analysis of social media data.

In response, we spearheaded the development of ZENPULSAR technology, a cutting-edge platform designed to navigate through the vast amount of social media information.

Through the use of advanced algorithms, ZENPULSAR is able to provide valuable insights and investment signals, giving decision-makers the necessary foresight for strategic decision-making in ever-changing markets.

Our team
Head of Research
Prof. Milan Zdravkovic
Alexander Pisemkiy
Product, Data Science
Pavel Dudko
Rustem Salawat
Market & Sales Strategy
Julien Artero
Head of NLP & Asian Data
Yi-Ding Lei
Charles Desclos le Peley
Compliance & Security
Paul Wang
Data Scientist
Dr. Ekaterina Nazarova
Head of Marketing
Ash Baggott
Our advisors
Laurent Lafavere
Joseph Nayeem
Dr. Alan Luo
Chirag gupta
Our partners
    ZENPULSAR is a unique international data centric AI company where the best talents can grow and thrive.

    Get in contact to learn about our open roles and about our teams that build our technology, our products, and help our clients access unique insights from social media.
    Contact us